Philip H. Friedman, PhD

Foundation for Well-Being, 46 Red Rowen Lane Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania 19462 United States
46 Red Rowan Lane Plymouth Meeting Pennsylvania 19462 US

Philip H. Friedman, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and Director of the Foundation for Well-Being in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. He is the author of “The Forgiveness Solution” and “Creating Well Being” in addition to the Friedman Assessment Scales on Well-Being, Beliefs, Quality of Life, Affect, Life Balance, Spiritual Awakening and the Mini-5 Factor Personality Scale. He is also the developer of the ICBEST model of psychotherapy. Dr. Friedman is an adjunct professor on the faculty of Sophia Univ. (formerly the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology). He is the founder of Integrative Forgiveness Psychotherapy (IFP), the Positive Pressure Point Techniques (PPPT), the Practice Based Evidence Approach (PBEA) and the Digital Assessment and Tracking Approach (DATA) to assessment and change. Dr. Friedman is trained in ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy) and many other techniques.
His 4 websites are:;; and

Two of his many publications are Friedman, P. (2022, June). A practice-based evidence approach pre, during, and post COVID-19 during psychotherapy. [Web article]. Retrieved from

Friedman, P. (2021) Digital Assessment and Tracking, Life Balance, Emotional Stability, Well- Being, Spiritual Awakening, Anxiety and Depression: A Practice-Based Evidence Approach to Change in Psychotherapy. International Journal of Healing and Caring (IJHC) September 2021 Volume 21, No. 2, 6-34

Professional Title
Licensed Psychologist
Personal Quote

More Miracles Come from Forgiveness and Gratitude Than Anything Else.