Karlinda Smith
Karlinda Smith is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in Utah. Karlinda graduated with her MSW from Arizona State University. As a clinician, Karlinda has a background in public mental health as well as residential treatment center for individuals working on recovery. While Karlinda enjoyed her experience working in public mental health she chose to enter private practice where she works with a team of talented clinicians who work to provide a safe space for those who are struggling with a variety of mental health challenges. Karlinda was first introduced to Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) when she entered private practice and instantly was drawn to the protocol as it allows individuals with trauma to address the images, sensations, and emotions all at the same time without having to verbally revisit their experiences. Karlinda found the transformative power of ART to be key in moving her clients toward a peaceful personal resolution within themselves. This was appealing to her as she was able to see rapid changes for her clients who had been stuck for years. After having success using Basic ART skills Karlinda chose to become Advanced and Enhanced trained to allow her to help her clients even more. She uses ART regularly in her practice to address not only trauma but relationship issues, depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and strong emotions.