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If you do not have a license, click here to view the minimum requirements to take an ART Basic Training. Jurisdiction* Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Australia California Canada Colorado Connecticut Delaware Denmark District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Holland Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Israel Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York New Zealand North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon PR Pennsylvania Rhode Island Romania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas The Netherlands Utah VI Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Type* Advanced Practice Nurse Pracitioner Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Advanced Practice Registered Nurse - Certified Nurse Practitioner Advanced Practice Social Worker Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counselor Alberta College of Occupational Therapists Alberta College of Social Workers American Board of Family Psychology Associate Clinical Social Worker Associate Licensed Counselor Associate Marriage and Family Therapist Associate Professional Clinical Counselor Associate Professional Counselor Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada Bachelor's of Science in Nursing Behavioral Health Professional Behavioral Health Therapist British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Certified Advanced Practice Social Worker Certified Clinical Counsellor Certified in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (C)anada Certified Independent Practice Social Worker Certified Mental Health Therapist Certified Prevention Professional Certified Registered Psychotherapist of Ontario Certified Social Worker Certified Social Worker - Clinical Certified Social Worker in Private, Independent Practice Clinical Mental Health Counselor Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate Clinical Mental Health Counselor Intern Clinical Professional Counselor Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist - Netherlands Clinical Registration Clinical Social Work Associate Clinical Social Worker Clinical Social Worker Intern College of Alberta Psychologists College of Psychologists of New Brunswick College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario Counselor in Trainng CPCA CSI DNP Doctor of Philosophy Dutch Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy Independant Social Worker Licensed Advanced Practice Social Worker Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor Licensed Associate Counselor Licensed Associate Professional Counselor Licensed Associate Substance Abuse Counselor Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker Licensed Certified Social Worker Associate Licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor Licensed Clinical Counselor Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Licensed Clinical Psychologist Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed Clinical Social Worker Psychotherapy Licensed Clinical Social Worker Supervisor Licensed Clinical Social Worker-Board Approved Clinical Supervisor Licensed Counselling Therapist-Candidate Licensed Creative Arts Therapist Licensed Graduate Professional Counselor Licensed Graduate Social Worker Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker Associate Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner Licensed Independent Social Worker Licensed Independent Social Worker - Clinical Practice Licensed Independent Social Worker Advanced Practice Licensed Independent Social Worker Supervisor Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Supervisor Licensed Marriage Associate Counselor Licensed Master Social Worker Licensed Master Social Worker †Licensed Masters Level Psychologist Licensed Mental Health Counselor Licensed Mental Health Counselor Assocaites Licensed Mental Health Counselor Intern Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Licensed Professional Art Therapist Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Supervisor Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Professional Counselor - Mental Health Service Provider Licensed Professional Counselor - Temporary Licensed Professional Counselor Associate Licensed Professional Counselor Intern Licensed Professional Counselor of Mental Health Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor Licensed Professional Counselor-In Training Licensed Psychological Associate Licensed Psychological Practitioner Licensed Psychologist Licensed Social Work Associate Licensed Social Work Associate & Advanced Licensed Social Work Associate & Independent Clinical Licensed Social Worker Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker Licensed Substance Abuse Technicians Limited Licensed Counselor Limited Licensed Masters Social Worker Limited Licensed Professional Counselor Limited Licensed Psychologist Marriage and Family Therapist Marriage and Family Therapist - Limited Permit Marriage and Family Therapist Associate Marriage and Family Therapist Candidate Marriage and Family Therapist Intern Marriage, Family and Child Counselor Master of Education Master of Science in Social Work Master Social Worker-Registerd Clinical Social Worker Master Social Worker-Registerd Social Worker Master's Degree in Social Work Master's Degree in Social Work Intern Masters Level Psychologist Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Mental Health Counselor Mental Health Counselor Limited Permit National Board for Certified Counselors National Certified Counselor New Brunswick Association of Social Workers Newfoundland & Labrador College Of Social Workers Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers Nova Scotia Board Educational Psychology Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists Nova Scotia College of Social Work Nurse practitioner Nurse Practitioner - Psychiatric/mental Health Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Physician Assistant-Certified PRC Professional Assoc. of Canadian Christian Counselors & Psychotherapists Professional Counselor Provisional Clinical Counselor Provisional Clinical Social Worker Provisional Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor Provisional Licensed Professional Counselor Provisional Professional Counselor Provisional Psychologist Provisionally Certified Mental Health Therapist Provisionally Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Psychiatric Mental Health Counselor Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Psychiatric Mental Heath Nurse Practitioner, Board certified Psychiatric-Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist Psychiatrist Psychological Associate Psychologist Limited License Masters Psycholoog Psychotraumatherapist Qualified Mental Health Professional Qualified Mental Health Professional - Registrant Qualified Mental Health Professional - Trainee RCT Registered Art Therapist Registered Art Therapist - Board Certified Registered Clincial Counselor Registered Clincial Counselor - Approved Clinical Supervisor Registered Clincial Social Worker Registered Clincial Social Worker Intern Registered Clinical Mental Health Counselor Intern Registered Counselling Supervisor Registered Marriage and Family Therapy Intern Registered Mental Family Therapist Registered Mental Family Therapist Intern Registered Mental Health Counsel Intern Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern Registered Nurse Psychotherapist Registered Occupational Therapist Registered Professional Counseler Registered Professional Counseler Candidate Registered Provisional Psychologist Registered Psychiatric Nurse Registered Psychologist Registered Psychotherapist Registered Social Worker Resident in Counseling Social Work Candidate Social Worker Social Worker Associate Social Worker Associate Advanced License Temporary Licensed Master's Level Psychology Temporary Licensed Mental Health Counselor Temporary Limited License Psychologist The Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta The Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers Number* Expiration