Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) takes the best of well known therapies including Gestalt, Cognitive Behavioral, Exposure (imaginal, in-vivo), relaxation techniques, and Brief Psycho-dynamic therapy and combines them with eye movements similar to those we using during the (REM) Rapid Eye Movement phase of sleep. ART utilizes a re-scripting process called Voluntary Image Replacement (VIR) to assist clients in replacing negative images with positive ones.
**Do you qualify for “non-profit” pricing? Must provide proof of employment and company 501c3 non-profit status. Email copy of IRS Letter of Determination from work email to – PRIOR to registration.
Basic ART Training
3 Day TrainingDuring the three-day Basic ART training, participants will learn about the power of eye movements in facilitating relaxation and processing trauma; the Basic Protocol for processing past events that cause the client distress; the Typical Day protocol for ongoing issues; and how to determine which clients are appropriate for Accelerated Resolution Therapy. Videos will be shown that demonstrate how using ART with clients can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and guilt related to past events in their lives.
Objective: Provides therapists/clinicians with the knowledge and skills to effectively implement use of ART in clinical practice.
Prerequisites: Mental health professional or RN with psychiatric training – copy of mental health license and current status.
Format: Lecture | Video | Audio | PowerPoint presentations | Live demonstration | Supervised practicum and training.
Certification: Basic ART Practitioner
Find A Training Printable Registration Form Info on Basic ART for CE
Advanced Training
3 Day TrainingFor licensed mental health practitioners who have attended Basic and have 30 documented sessions using ART
Sessions need to be completed within the last year prior to taking Advanced. If Advanced training not completed within two (2) years, Basic ART Training MAY need to be repeated at a nominal fee.
You will learn how to use metaphors as a standalone intervention which is known as ART’s Metaphorical Moment which can serve as another way to approach a problem. This ART training will also spend time on problems such as the fear of change that clients may have, pain management, anxiety associated with dyslexia, and anxiety associated with stroke. It will offer further tips on how to approach these problems. This training also offers a chance for you to review some of your cases for consultation during the training.
Objective: Review and practice ART interventions not covered and that augment the Basic ART Training including use of the Metaphorical Moment. Expand knowledge and skill set to apply the ART protocol to a broad range of psychological disorders and diagnoses beyond psychological trauma.
Prerequisites: Previous completion of ART Basic Training, confirmation of providing a minimum 30 sessions using full ART protocol.
Format: Lecture | Video | Audio | PowerPoint presentations | Supervised practicum and training.
Certification: Advanced ART Practitioner
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SAF-T – Sensation Awareness Focused Technique
1 Day TrainingCourse Description: SĀF-T is for non-licensed professionals and parents to be trained in the use of eye movements for sensation processing only. Marketed as a revolutionary way to calm individuals without medications by using eye movements which can create a calming response in the brain.
Objective: Alleviate negative sensations associated with anxiety, physical discomfort such as headaches. Works on some pain sensations.
Format: Lecture, case videos, supervised practicum and training manual.
Available to parents, teachers, couples, college students and business and sports professionals.