MIDDLETOWN — A female postal carrier who was mauled by a dog along her route suffered such significant post-traumatic stress that the attack left her physically and emotionally incapacitated for more than two years. She had three operations to repair her stomach and nearly died from her injuries. The woman tried cognitive and exposure therapy to no avail. It wasn’t …
Psychological and Emotional Problems of the Modern Era
Modernity has gifted us with all sorts of amazing inventions, from sliced bread to self-driving cars, and the wonders of the internet and indoor plumbing. Unfortunately, the particular combination of all these modern wonders has also resulted in some fairly frightening trends in psychological and emotional problems. The most common psychological and emotional problems facing the world today are ones …
Walden Behavioral Care reports aggregate quality assessment information on patients treated with ART.
“Walden Behavioral Care is a proprietary behavioral health care company committed to providing comfortable and compassionate environments of care and innovative treatment services for individuals living with eating disorders, psychiatric disorders and other co-morbid issues. Clinics are located in MA, CT and GA. As part of Walden’s continuous quality evaluation and improvement process, and not part of any type of …
Innovative therapy could help people dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder
(WTNH) — West Hartford based therapist Laney Rozenweig sees major progression in her Accelerated Resolution Therapy for PTSD. Laney Rosenzweig is the creator of Accelerated Resolution Therapy, or ART, which she is now teaching to psychologists on major military bases. ART uses eye movements to help erase negative images in the brain associated with trauma. It is currently the focus of a …
ART Alumni nominated for for AVASW Social Worker of the Year 2016
The Association of VA Social Workers is proud to select Myrna Molinari, LCSW from West Palm Beach VAMC. as the AVASW Social Worker of the 2nd Quarter, 2016. She is trained in Accelerated Resolution Therapy which she indicated is the fastest and most effective form of trauma therapy. Ms. Molinari will be among four AVASW Social Workers of the …