It’s that time of year again, the New Year. If you’re like most people, you have resolved to start making changes in your life. Now that the month is halfway over, how successful have you been at keeping your resolution? If you find yourself already falling short of the goals you’ve set for yourself, you’re not alone. Making change …
Do the Holidays Make You Sad?
Experiencing holiday sadness is called the “holiday blues” or “holiday depression” and can be common this time of year. A greater amount of expectations are placed on us during this time, which brings about more stress for the average person. Those struggling with mental health issues are often especially affected by the holidays. Holiday blues start at the beginning of …
How can I cope with stress?
November 2nd, 2022 was International Stress Awareness Day, as the International Stress Management Association declared. Many people find this time of year to be the most stressful with approaching holiday commitments. What contributes to this stress? Stress shows up when the demands of a situation exceed the available resources to meet them. Time, money, energy, and emotional availability are …
Why isn’t talk therapy helping?
by Lauren Faylor “Psychologists usually try to help people use insight and understanding to manage their behavior. However, neuroscience research shows that very few psychological problems are the result of defects in understanding; most originate in pressures from deeper regions in the brain that drive our perception and attention. When the alarm bell of the emotional brain keeps signaling that …
Are you in “Survival Mode”?
“I’m ALWAYS tired” was a common statement Janine heard herself say throughout the day. Not only did she feel exhausted at the end of the day, but she woke up feeling unrested. Strangely, however, she felt both tired and “wired” once bedtime came. As she moved through her day, she felt she was only checking the necessary boxes. …