USF College of Nursing Enrolling Veterans with PTSD in Study

Linda Hurtado | Tampa Tribune Army Green Beret Brian Anderson came back from deployment in Afghanistan with images that haunted him.  Visions of eight-hour fire fights and the death of two friends left him with odd and overwhelming symptoms. “I thought they were blood pressure issues, diabetes or something like that,” he said. “When I went in to be checked …

Brief Therapy Eases Symptoms of Combat-Related Psychological Trauma

Science Daily | December 9 Accelerated Resolution Therapy, or ART, is a brief, safe, and effective treatment for combat-related symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among veterans and U.S. service members, researchers at University of South Florida College of Nursing report in a new study. They found this newer treatment — a combination of evidence-based psychotherapies and use of eye …

Symptoms of combat-related psychological trauma eased by new brief therapy

Medical News Today Accelerated Resolution Therapy, or ART, is a brief, safe, and effective treatment for combat-related symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among veterans and U.S. service members, researchers at University of South Florida College of Nursing report in a new study. They found this newer treatment – a combination of evidence-based psychotherapies and use of eye movements – …

The Need for Out of the Box Solutions in Mental Health Treatment

Marcus Bright | Huffington Post A recent Army Times piece explained that a mental health program aimed at reducing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will be expanded despite their own researchers finding no proven gains since 2009. This revelation is a vivid illustration of the need for out of the box solutions in mental health treatment and the delivery of healthcare …

PTSD therapy by West Hartford therapist gains national exposure

Kathleen Schassler | West Hartford News When West Hartford native Laney Rosenzweig first discovered the life-changing tool that was literally at her fingertips, the therapist’s first thought was not of the thousands, possibly millions of lives that would positively impacted by escaping traumatic memory triggers, but more along the lines of “I’d better be careful crossing the street,” she said. …