Ann has worked as a mental health therapist since 2003 and is licensed in Texas, North Carolina, Utah. She has experience working with sexual assault and trauma survivors, anxiety and depression issues, addictions, marital problems, betrayal issues, co-dependency, veteran issues.
A Professional Commitment and Statement from Ann… As your therapist/counselor, you honor me by sharing your life and growth with me. I will not hide myself behind silence or position and will have high regard for you as a person. I will bring the best that I know from my study and experience. I will bring you the highest of my insight, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. I will keep a holistic perspective in our work together because I believe that the Physical, Spiritual, and Soul (mind, will, emotions) all work together to form the wholly healthy person. You can expect truth from me even when you may not want to hear it. I will always have compassion and empathy for you in all that we do. I value you as a person in need of care. I will do my best to honor that. I look forward to helping you make lasting change for the better using my professional experience and education in line with the WORD of God and the Holy Spirit. Christ is the true healer. PEACE, Ann