Study at USF helps PTSD patients

Gayle Guyardo | A major study to help members of the military suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder out of the University of South Florida School of Nursing is now expanding to the British soldiers. The treatment is called Accelerated Resolution Therapy or ART. “Based on very encouraging results observed to date with the use of ART, multiple studies are …

The ART of Rapid Recovery

Imagine, if you can, what it feels like to carry a heavy burden for years and then, all of a sudden, be able to let it go – years of carrying the effects of trauma gone during a single session with an ART therapist, This type of relief may seem unbelievable, but it does happen consistently with the use of …

Treating Trauma

While ART is successfully used with many different types of mental health problems, one of the most successful is in treating PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is a mental health condition which affects millions worldwide and it often co-exists with depression, substance misuse and domestic violence. PTSD can affect anyone who has experienced trauma in an accident, natural disaster, …